

Sean Grandillo - New  (←點我聽歌)

I need this mirror / 需要自我檢視

To quiet down today / 讓紊亂的今天恢復平靜

Couldn't be clearer / 心底明確知曉

That I am miles away / 距離目標 我還有萬里之遠

From who I thought I was / 心目中的自己

So far from what I wanted to become / 想成為理想中的模樣 還有段漫漫長路

It never mattered / 「沒什麼,一切都不要緊的」

The little voices say / 有個小小的聲音說

I hate their chatter / 我討厭他們的竊竊私語

The never-ending way / 沒有終止的一天

They tell this version of the truth that I've been trying to disprove / 他們告訴我殘酷的真相 那個我一直試圖反駁的真相

Let it go, you're new today / 放下過去吧,新的一天即將展開

Let it go, you're new today / 拋下過往吧,今天又會是嶄新的你

You're new, new / 全新的你 不再執著

Let it go, you're new today / 放下過去吧,新的一天即將開始

Let it go, you're new today / 拋下過往吧,今天又是一個全新的開始

You're new, new / 全新的你 不同的你

The feelings linger / 過去的感受 揮之不去

The causes go away / 初始的原由 離我而去

Can't put my finger / 按耐不住

On all I'd like to say / 那些我想說出口的話語

To you, to anybody who made me feel like I had to prove / 為了你、也為了任何讓我覺得「我必須證明自己」的人

Myself as special / 覺得「我是特別的」

I've settled in my place / 我建立了自己的堡壘

You keep the pressure / 你還是繼續施予壓力

I'd rather make my way to what I know is true and leave the old so I can start anew / 我寧願另闢一條通往我心中真理的新徑,遠離過去的一切,重新開始

Let it go, you're new today / 揮別過往吧,新的一天即將開始

Let it go, you're new today / 忘掉過去吧,今天又是一個全新的開始

You're new, new / 全新的你 不再沉迷於回憶

Let it go, you're new today / 揮別過往吧,今天的你有所改變

Let it go, you're new today / 忘掉過去吧,今天的你是不同的

You're new, new / 嶄新的你 不同以往

Every single thing I've been trying not to bring into my life comes into view / 那些我曾不想正視、且試圖不讓它們走進我生命的每一件事

Didn't quite believe I had it in me till I needed it and had something to prove / 直到我需要它、且必須自我證明之際,我曾不太相信自己所擁有的那些特質一一浮現

Isn't it amazing after every single thing that I've been through / 可不是嗎?在我經歷過每一件事後,這真是神奇

I found myself outside myself and now I'm new / 現在的我,煥然一新---擺脫過去的枷鎖,找到全新的自我

Let it go, you're new today / 隨它去吧,重要的是把握全新的此時此刻

Let it go, you're new today / 讓過去隨風而逝,全新的你從此刻展開

You're new, new / 放下過去 重新開始

Let it go, you're new today / 順其自然吧,新的一天即將展開

Let it go, you're new today / 揮別歷史吧,今天又會是嶄新的你

You're new, new / 現在的你 煥然一新


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