

 Ruth B,加拿大創作女歌手。1995 年 7 月 2 日 生,以「Lost Boy」一曲最為著名。






Ruth B. - In My Dreams


[Verse 1]

The lights are bright tonight, the music loud

今夜燈火燦爛 耳邊的樂聲如此清晰

A perfect mess that's what surrounds me

但圍繞在我身邊的 卻只是完美的渾沌

Then I see you over there, I can't seem to break the stare

然後我看見了你 就在那裡 我移不開那凝視著你的眼神

Mayby it's 'cause your shirt is my favorite color

也許是因為你穿的那件襯衫 是我最喜歡的顏色

Then you walk on over with a smolder

接著你走了過來 充滿魅力

And you hand me your number, I say, "What is this?"

你給了我你的電話號碼 我問:「這是什麼?」

You say, "Love at first sight, it exists"


But I've had my heart broken so many times before

但在這之前 我已經讓我的心破碎好幾回了

Yeah, I've walked through so many empty doors

是呀 我曾經歷了好多的錯過



But if I see you in my dreams tonight

但假如今夜 我在夢中遇見了你

Then maybe you were right

或許就代表 你說的那句話是對的

And I'll call you in the morning

而我將撥出你的號碼 在明晨

If I see you in my dreams tonight

假如今晚 我在夢中與你相見

And you take my hands and tell me

而你牽起了我了手 和我說:

"I've been waiting for you"


Then I'll tell you, "Me too"


If I see you in my dreams tonight

假如今夜 我在夢中遇見了你


[Verse 2]

I start to drive away and smile like I'm insane

我試著將你逐出腦海 卻瘋狂地無法克制嘴角那抹微笑

How can I feel this way? I don't even know your name

我怎麼會有這樣的感覺呢? 我甚至不知道你的名字

The napkin doesn't say


Then I remember that I vowed not let anyone enter my heart

然後我想起了 我曾經發誓不讓任何人進入我的心防

I say "What is this?"


I know love at first sight can't exist

我知道一見鍾情 是不可能存在的



But if I see you in my dreams tonight

但假如今夜 你出現在我的夢裡

Then maybe you were right

或許就代表 你說的那句話是真的

And I'll call you in the morning

而到了明晨 我將毫不猶豫地與你連繫

If I see you in my dreams tonight

假如今晚 我在夢中與你相見

And you take my hands and tell me

而你牽起了我了手 和我說:

"I've been waiting for you"


Then I'll tell you, "Me too"


If I see you in my dreams tonight

假如今夜 你出現在我的夢裡



Maybe we'll meet in a different dimension


And you can tell me all the things you didn't mention

而你將可以對我傾訴 所有你從未提過的事

Maybe we'll meet in a different dimension


And you can tell me all the things you didn't mention

你可以對我訴說 所有你未曾和我分享的故事

You'll say "What is this?"


I'll say "I guess love at first sight exists"




Cause I saw you in my dreams that night

因為我在夢中看見了你 就在那夜

And I knew that you were right

而我也知道 一直以來你都是對的

So I called you in the morning

所以我終於邁開步伐 朝你奔去

(In the morning, in the morning)

(在那早晨 就在晨曦落下的那刻)

Yeah I saw you in my dreams that night

是的 就在那夜 我在夢中遇見了你

And you took my hands and told me

而你牽起了我了手 和我說:

"I've been waiting for you"


And I told you, "Me too"


Yeah I saw you in my dreams that night

是呀 就在那夜 我在夢中遇見了你

If I see you in my dreams tonight

假如今晚 我在夢中與你相見





*若有歌詞語意解讀錯誤,歡迎指正 :) 





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